Trip and Event Leaders
Get Involved
Now that you’re a member of the “active outdoor club,” it’s time to get active! CVOA is a volunteer organization. Although our club is 1100-members strong, everything we do is done by unpaid volunteers. And we always need help! From running our shooting range to planning our socials to organizing our day and weekend getaways . . . volunteers make this organization hum. And they have fun doing it!! It’s a great opportunity to make new friends and help out the club.
Trips and Events will not happen without leaders and organizers:
An easy activity is a short-notice hours long hike, bike, paddle, snowshoe, or ski, for instance. Plan it just a few days ahead, in time for the secretary to send out an email to the membership about the event, two or three days ahead. Usually “show ‘n go” with no reservations necessary.
A little more planning goes into a typical weekend day event – location, date and time, activity, meals, etc. Typically RSVP’s are requested. These events should be planned more than a month ahead so that notice can be included in the monthly newsletters. And of course, the trip leaders don’t do all the work – everyone pitches in with whatever needs to be done.
Of course overnight events require the most planning – whether it be camping and hiking, or staying at a hotel and biking around an area, overnight backpacking, or relaxing at a resort. Planning these events well in advance will result in the greatest participation.
Trip Leader Support:
CVOA maintains a full inventory of paper goods, utensils, a gas grill, coffee pots, crock pots and more at the storage unit at the range. All available for trip leaders to use – Click here to see what we try to keep on hand.
For day events that involve a meal of some sort (pot luck is standard), an event leader may be reimbursed for expenses incurred up to the amount of $5 per person attending.
Overnight trips allow for compensation as well – the trip leader may charge $5 per person per night to help cover the leader’s accommodations; any overage can be spent for the good of the group.
Ski trips – currently we use Great Events & Escapes in W. Newbury, Massachusetts as our group tour operator. As is typical in the travel industry, with 20 or 25 (contract dependent) paid people on a group trip, the trip leader goes for ‘free’ – that is a relative term, because of the work involved!
We are always looking for new events, trips and formats; check with the Adventure Coordinator if you have some ideas.
Questions? Ideas? Contact our Adventure Coordinator at, or one of our officers, or anyone who has run a trip in the past.